More Information
We are continually trying to improve the Southwest Designs website so that our Customers have the best possible experience. To complement our primary Jewelry product pages, "More Information" offers a landing page to sign up for E-Mail notifications, offers details on the upcoming year's planned events, and describes key policies (e.g. payment, shipping, returns).
- E-Mail Sign-Up
Upcoming Events
- Policies and FAQs
Predictably, we sometimes run behind on keeping this content 100% up to date. But we'll continue to give it our best.
We welcome your input on the website. Let us know if there is something you'd like to hear about. Please Contact Us with any suggestions you have to improve content, navigation, or user-friendliness.
Thank you for supporting Southwest Designs and allowing Jim and I to continue our passion of crafting original, one-of-a-kind Jewelry Art. We couldn't do it without you!
Lisa Daggett
Principal / Designer
You can also view our Jewelry on the following sites: